KYB18C series use quality sensing element, stainless steel bodyprocessing solution, high reliable back-end amplified processing circuit, the medium pressure is changed into a standard electrical signal output. Mature and exquisite production process to ensure the stability and quality of the product
Natural Gas Compressors
Gas Dispensers
Fuel GasSub- stations
Fuel Gas Drilling Platforms
◆Stainless steel integral structure, high reliability
◆NoO-rings, no corrosion, no leakage
◆wide temperature compensation range, stable and reliable signal output
◆mature production technology, good consistency
◆intrinsically safeExiaIICT6 and flameproof ExdIIBT5 available
Application Description
KYB18C series is a mature solution widely used in fuel gas compressor, gas dispenser sections. Their cost-effective andlong service life, have been recognized by the customers of domain-specific products.
Product Diagram:
Gross Weight:300g(1m length cable)
Net Weight:240g(1m length cable)